Book Report

Book Report

Learning Intention:

Create a book report about a book you have read to share with an audience via video.

Success Criteria:

  • Read a book.
  • Respond to the book.
  • Share the response with an audience.

The book: A Voice of Her Own by Sarah Yong and Lois Yong 

It is important that Claire sees representation of disability and AAC within literature. This is a book we have owned and read, but having an opportunity to share a book report with peers where disability is represented was seen as valuable. Claire was offered multiple book choices, and agreed that this was a good option by reaching for the book and nodding.


What did we do?

Here is a link to the final video presentation.

How did we do it?

  1. We found a comfortable place to read the book together. Modelled key words and concepts during reading process. (Shared Reading)
  2. I printed symbols to match key similarities and differences in the text.
  3. Re-read the book the next day, cueing Claire into reason for reading: Read to find out what things about you and Mei are the same.
    – During reading, I used the printed symbols to highlight key points in the book and highlighted use of words “same” and “different”.
  4. Claire had access to a voice output switch, with the phrase “That’s the same” recorded on it. She also had access to her Tobii, and her iPad which was being used to model language. When Claire moved away from the Tobii, I used that to model, and she had the iPad available for her access.
    – Some key ideas modelled were ‘same’ and ‘different’, but also use of the “About Me” page, where there are pre-recorded sentences that related to the similarities and differences found in the story and represented by the printed symbols (eg. I have a brother. I am 11. I have a dog called Furley.)
    – Claire activated the “That’s the same” switch at multiple times during reading, and at other times, I modelled the use of the switch after inviting her engagement, to show where some of the symbols might be pasted onto the Venn diagram. Claire watched as I glued the symbols, and listened and attended as I repeated the information I had added into the Venn diagram as we continued to read.
    – This process was done in two parts, as Claire decided she needed a break part way through (and that’s OK!).
  5. When all symbols had been added to Venn diagram, I used the information on the chart to model sentence writing with predictable stems (I am 11. Mei is 10. Mei and I both…). I pointed to the Venn diagram symbols as I wrote.
  6. When a selection of sentences had been written, I re-read them all to Claire, then explained that I would read each one, one at a time (familiar scanning process), and she could use the switch with “That’s the one” pre-recorded, to select the ones she would like included in her report. While I didn’t include a written option of “something different” this were added in the auditory scan, and Claire did not select this. Claire selected 7 out of the 11 sentences and these were added to pages in Book Creator.
  7. For each sentence selected, I found two images (sometimes three) that matched the sentence, and allowed Claire to make a choice of which image would be used to illustrate the writing. This is an important step as we are currently working to ensure Claire understands the difference between text and images.
  8. I created the initial sentences to set the scene for her peers and teachers about how she created the report. I used her PODD to formulate the sentences and make the recordings using the same voice Claire uses on her devices to speak.
  9. Claire selected a star rating from her rating scale on the iPad. I reminded Claire what each of the ratings meant. She was offered direct access, but declined, so I verbally scanned each one, and she nodded and smiled for 4 stars. This was a clear choice.
  10. Claire used her eye gaze device to present the pre-recorded introductions and conclusion in front of the green screen. She independently said and signed ‘thank you’, so that was included (with translation of symbol on slide included). These introductions and conclusions are scripts that have been written by her teacher, so in order to be efficient, these are recorded onto sequenced buttons in her Tobii, and she delivers her message a few times, aiming for activation of message, and looking at the camera.
  11. Claire’s introduction, book report and conclusion are stitched together by me, and she views the presentation, indicating whether she is happy with the product and ready to share.

What worked well?

  • Providing Claire choice around the book of focus.
  • Anchoring Claire with a reason for reading (Read to find out what things about you and Mei are the same.).
  • Use of the switch to enable Claire to actively participate with some independence.
  • Symbols on a Venn diagram to compare and contrast.
  • Willingness to take a break when Claire indicated she needed that, and to come back to the task later.